Everybody is welcome! We are an inclusive community and we don't allow any kind of discrimination based on age, nationality, race, gender, ability, sexuality, or religion. This also extends to political affiliation, economic status, and PC specs. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart!
- To be able to participate in chat you'll need to either have a verified phone number or be a member of the server for 24 hours.
1. Keep the chat friendly - Don't be insulting or toxic towards others. Keep political and religious arguments to a minimum. No meta or other discord server's drama or complaints. Check channel descriptions and pins for channel-specific rules
2. No trolling - This includes feigning idiocy and “shitposting”. Keeping chat light-hearted and fun is one thing. However, moronic behavior and shitposting will not be tolerated. Memes are not allowed in main.
3. No spamming - No link, text, or ASCII spam; no giant walls of text/links; and no all CAPS posts.
4. No NSFW content - This includes your avatar.
5. Use appropriate usernames - No blank names, no long names, no URLs, no emojis and no character breaking names.
6. No begging - This includes soft begging.
7. No Spoilers - Spoiling games, shows or movies is not allowed here. Older content may be fine to discuss, but in case of doubt ask first.
8. No advertising - No referral links. No buying/selling/trading. No polls or surveys. No linking to giveaways happening outside our discord. Advertising of content creator channels is allowed in content-sharing.
9. No piracy or shady key sellers - Discussing piracy is allowed. Facilitating piracy or promoting/linking to grey/black market sellers is not.
10. Limit usage of @Mods - Only use @Mods to alert the team to serious rule infractions.
We are an inclusive community and we don't allow any kind of discrimination based on age, nationality, race, gender, ability, sexuality, or religion. This also extends to political affiliation, economic status, and PC specs.